If you are a former crew member of USS Topeka CLG 8 and have not registered with the Reunion Association please let us know about you. Whether you were Navy or Marine, officer or enlisted, we would like to know where you are. By submitting the information you will be automatically registered with the USS Topeka Reunion Association and will make yourself available to all sorts of information regarding reunions, shipmates, Topeka stories and the ongoing legacy of USS Topeka CLG 8.

The information provided that will NOT be placed on this Web site is as follows:
Phone number
Physical address
Spouse name
Email address (Unless by your consent)

The information provided that will be placed on this Web site is as follows:
Your Name
Your Location (City and State only)
Your rank or rate at time of departure
The year reported on board and the year departed

Submitting this information only registers you in the database of the association.

We urge you to support the association by becoming a full member. Dues are $20 a year or $80 for five years. Full members receive the Reunion Association Directory that lists all registered shipmates. We are a not-for-profit organization and all fees collected are used to offset the costs incurred in maintaining a nation-wide organization with over 1450 registered members. These costs include printing and mailing of the newsletter, printing and mailing of the directory, operation of the Topeka website, and other expenses.

Dues are NOT used for reunion expenses. Costs of the reunions are borne entirely by those attending. Dues should be made payable to USS Topeka Association and sent to:

USS Topeka Association
C/O Gary Baker
20 Heather Dr
Billings, MT 59105-1702

Dues are $20.00 / year or $80.00 for 5 years

To Register

Click Here

Association President
and Board Chairman

Dan Moore
and Webmaster

Gary Baker
  Newsletter Editor
and Reunion Coordinator

Kathy Spatz
  Ships Store Manager
Linda Roberts