Reunion 2007
Hotel Information - Reunion Schedule - Registration form

Banquet Program 

Who Came? 
Updated 10/22/07
New 10/27/07

2007 USS Topeka, CLG-8 Reunion

The 2007 reunion will be held September 12-15 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Your reunion committee is already working to ensure it will be another memorable event.

Indianapolis is the crossroads of America. Half the US population lives within a days drive. There are 19 airlines serving Indy and it's only a 10 minute drive from the airport to downtown.

Everyone is encouraged to locate and personally invite a shipmate to the reunion. For all of you located in the Mid-West , we're bringing the reunion to your backyard. This is a wonderful opportunity to renew old relationships as well as make new acquaintances with those whom we shared a common bond 40 (+-) years  ago. (Baca Hatchi)

Additional information will be forthcoming on this website and future newsletters.

In the meantime feel free to contact the local coordinators:
Dan & Sharon Moore
56619 Wedgewood N.
Elkhart, IN 46516
E-mail: Dan56619
Home: 574-295-5156
Dan cell: 574-849-4656
Sharon cell: 574-849-4029