Waving Flag

These deck logs are from the 1965 - 66 WestPac deployment. They were obtained by the USS Topeka CLG-8 Association from the National Archives to assist shipmates with Agent Orange claims. They establish that Topeka was steaming close to shore on numerous occasions providing gunfire support to US forces ashore, anchored very close to shore twice providing gunfire support, and anchored in Danang Harbor once.

The pertinent logs that prove Topeka was close to shore providing gunfire support are the the ones from January 31, 1966 through March 1, 1966 and April 17, 1966 through April 21, 1966. The deck log for April 19th, 1966 will show that Topeka was anchored in Danang Harbor. USS Canberra CAG-2 was anchored in Danang Harbor at the same time, and her deck log also confirms that Topeka was in the harbor on April 19th, 1966.

They are in PDF format and can be read on-line or easily downloaded and saved. These files are quite large and may take several seconds to download.