What do we do?

We have a reunion each year. Each reunion is in a different part of the country. The locations rotate from the East Coast to the Central States to the West Coast.

Each reunion has a host. The host is usually eager to show off his home location. He and others make arrangements at the city he nominated two years earlier and was voted as the preferred choice the pervious year. He makes the hotel choice and arrangements. (Usually looking for a quality location at the best possible price.) Tours are offered to points of interest in the local area. Arraignments are made for the golfers in our group.

Typical Reunion Schedule
As scheduled in Topeka KS -- 1996

10am-----------Hospitality Suite Opens. Check-in begins
-------------------Welcome aboard.
P.M.-------------Continue arrival and check-in. Informal go-out for dinner
7am--------------Golfers head for the Links.
10am------------Hospitality Suite opens. Continue check-in.
6pm--------------Depart for Oregon Trail Adventure.
7am--------------Golfers depart for links.
8am--------------Depart for Eisenhower Museum, Abilene, Kansas.
10am------------Hospitality Suite Opens. Ships Store open.
4:30--------------Officers, Board of Advisors Meet.
6:30--------------Welcome Aboard cocktail party. Cash bar.
Saturday 8:30am---------Group picture of the crew at the bell.
9am--------------Membership Business Meeting -- Hospitality Suite opens after business meeting.
11am------------Meeting, Officers and Board of Advisors
1pm--------------Ladies depart for tea at Cedar Crest, the Governor's Mansion. Assemble in the lobby.
6pm--------------Cocktail Party. Photographer available for Individual/couples portrait pictures.
7pm--------------Banquet and program
9-12am----------Dancing to music of the Casual Cadillac Band
Sunday 8am---------------Departure Breakfast
9am---------------Smooth Sailing. Until Next Year



Scope Dopes in Seattle 1997
Scope Dopes in Seattle 1997 (15136 bytes)

Listed in order of importance,
or maybe that was that just listed left to right?
John Keith, Jerry Pennington, Doug Weeks,
Andy Seaton, Ken Noble, Erin Endicott,
Jim Bennett, Don Smart, David Small